Silk Road forums

Discussion => Newbie discussion => Topic started by: Burning Babylon on June 17, 2013, 03:45 pm

Title: Seedboxes - Remote Controlled Servers
Post by: Burning Babylon on June 17, 2013, 03:45 pm
For a link to different Seedbox Providers see at the end of this post. A short quote for those who haven't heard of the term "Seedbox" before:

Quote from:
A seedbox is a remote server that is used to safely download and upload torrents at high speeds. These speeds range from 10Mbps to 1Gbps. Simply put, you get a share of a computer that has a super fast internet connection. The sole function of this computer is to download and upload torrents.

Since computer power and bandwidth is increasing each year Seedboxes get cheaper and more powerful as time goes by. Other uses beyond torrenting range from being used as VPNs/proxies and hosting servers of various kinds including for FTP so one can send files safely from the Seedbox straight to private computers. I would make the following comparison: Your ISP is the equivalent of your digital mail address, you pay for getting your mail delivered and sent from there and in many cases it identifies you in the process. Seedboxes are the equivalent to a digital Mail Forwarding Address (for more information on real Mail Forwarders, see the following thread: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=161081.msg1143742 ), but with a much bigger capacity to send and receive mails as long as you don't store too much simultaneously. Now if one is using an ISP with very low bandwidth capabilities the Seedbox might not help much with the extra bandwidth, but some providers give the option of selling and posting a filled hard drive.

This is currently the most effective and cost-effective way of distributing large amounts of data very quickly with the added bonus of being completely anonymous if done correctly. I personally think this would be the ultimate tool to distribute data for the categories Digital goods ( silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/category/93 ) and Erotica ( http://silkroadvb5piz3r.onion/silkroad/category/129 ) here on Silk Road as there would be no more waiting times and the speed would be unparalleled.

Here are some attributes one should consider before making a choice on a Seedbox:

* Availability: Some Seedbox providers are extremely popular and as soon as a spot for a Seedbox opens it can disappear very quickly.
* Bandwidth: How much bandwidth the Seedbox is offering and if there are any limits per month.
* Dedicated IP Address: The IP Address will stay fixed during your use of the Seedbox.
* Hardware: How powerful the computer is in terms of CPU, RAM and Hard Drives.
* Location: In what country the Seedbox is situated in will affect how it interacts in terms of speed and ping around the world.
* Operating System: What kind of Operating System the server is using can make a big difference in what applications can be installed.
* Payment: What kind of systems can be used for paying for the Seedbox, some offer the possiblity of using Bitcoin for example.
* Price: How much the Seedbox costs in relation to what its offering.
* Remote Control: Having the ability to remote control the server directly so one can for example install applications on it.
* Setup Time: How long it takes from payment until the server has been setup and is ready to use.

As for the various Seedbox Providers out there I would recommend the index over at which has multiple filters. In the event the link I mentioned is down at any point in the future here are the top nine providers mentioned there at the moment: -
BlazinSeedboxes -
ByteSized -
GBox -
Pulsed Media -
Seed.ST -
Seedhost -
Xirvik -
Yourseedbox -